Data Execution Policy (DEP) Bypass Using Return Oriented Programming (ROP) Chains

DATA EXECUTION POLICY BYPASS USING RETURN ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CHAINS This blog post was written by Dharmik Karania. Data Execution Prevention (DEP) was introduced as a security mechanism in Windows Machines to make parts of memory non-executable, due to which attacks that attempt to execute instructions on the stack [...]

By |2021-05-03T15:45:09+03:00November 10th, 2020|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|

Attacking WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi and spreading a payload on the compromised network

ATTACKING WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi & SPREADING A PAYLOAD ON THE COMPROMISED NETWORK This blog post was written by Alex Maina. Intro Before attacking wifi networks we need to understand how they work. What is Wi-Fi? WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity and is the same thing as saying WLAN which [...]

By |2021-01-21T11:16:00+03:00November 3rd, 2020|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|
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