HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)

HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) This blog post was written by Rodney Kariuki Introduction HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) is a type of injection attack that occurs when a target system accepts multiple parameters with the same name and handles them in a manner that might be insecure or unexpected. [...]

By |2021-05-24T15:37:50+03:00May 24th, 2021|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|

DNS Tunneling for Defense Evasion and Command and Control

DNS TUNNELING FOR DEFENCE EVASION AND COMMAND AND CONTROL This blog post was written by Alex Maina. Introduction Before we look at exploiting DNS through DNS tunneling we need to understand DNS and how it is critical to an organization’s infrastructure. DNS is used to translate IP addresses into domain [...]

By |2021-05-16T19:49:56+03:00May 20th, 2021|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|

Capturing NetNTLM V2 hashes Via Outlook Signatures

CAPTURING NET-NTLM V2 HASHES VIA OUTLOOK SIGNATURES This blog post was written by Dharmik Karania. Introduction Today, it is possible to craft a malicious email that allows an adversary to capture NetNTLMV2 hashes without requiring any form of interaction with the user. The user only has to click open the [...]

By |2021-05-24T15:36:57+03:00May 17th, 2021|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|

Persistence: Common Userland Techniques (Part 2)

PERSISTENCE: COMMON USERLAND TECHNIQUES (PART 2) This blog post was written by Dharmik Karania and Amarjit Labhuram Introduction In Persistence Part 1, we looked at a couple of Userland Persistence Techniques. In this blog, we continue with other techniques which include Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Hijacking through [...]

By |2021-05-19T13:22:23+03:00May 13th, 2021|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|

Persistence: Common Userland Techniques (Part 1)

PERSISTENCE: COMMON USERLAND TECHNIQUES (PART 1) This blog post was written by Amarjit Labhuram. Introduction Getting an initial foothold during a red team operation can be time consuming and come with its own challenges. Once an operator has a command and control channel established into the client [...]

By |2021-05-19T13:09:41+03:00May 10th, 2021|Offensive Security, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming|
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